Jun 23

Safari on the iPhone has a little problem that it doesn’t save usernames and passwords when you have entered them. iRemember fixes this little issue by allowing Safari to save cookies. This is a must have little mod that will save you quite some time when entering usernames and passwords.

1) Locate and install the app. Once you have installed the app you can remove it again as the change it does is permanent.

This little app is available in the Installer.app through the iSpazio packaging source, see our sources page.

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9 Responses to “iRemember – Saves your password in iPhone Safari”

  1. FredEx Says:

    i cant get it to download!
    it says “main script execution failed!”

  2. Jake Says:

    Same here, (ipod touch 1.1.4) I did move all apps to the /var in order to free up space, but all other installs go just fine. Anybody got a clue whats happening?

  3. therealmf Says:

    Same here, using a 1.1.2

  4. xikiitiiinaaaaaahh Says:

    :eek: :cry: :roll: :oops: :razz: :roll: :wink: :eek:

  5. Adel Hallak Says:

    hey guys,

    follow my instructions and thank me later!!

    You can install it by adding http://repo.ispazio.net to Installer.app.

    Thanks to Adel Hallak!

  6. kent finell Says:

    Ok, installed it and all. But did not solve the problem.

    Any other ideas?

  7. switcher Says:

    I got still “main script execution feiled” error after adding repo.ispazio.net to my repo list.
    Im on 1.1.4

  8. amdg Says:

    installed it successfully but my Installer.app IS GONE!!!


  9. Mikey Says:

    Sounds like a real piece of crap

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