Jun 17

I came across the following article on BigBoss his site.
Ziphone Warning
“But Ziphone works fine for me? Why should I avoid it?”

I hear this all the time. It’s simple. Ziphone does permanent changes to your phone. Zibri is a terrible coder that stole most the exploits for ZiPhone and did not create them. Zibri admits that he cannot code. Ziphone does work most of the time. But when it does not work, you are most likely left with an unfixable brick. Other jailbreak software such as iLiberty+, Pwnage, will not leave you with a brick.

Everything they do can be reverted safely. This means if they fail on you, you just restore and try again. No harm done.

With ziphone, your damage is permanent. It’s a crap shoot. It may work 9 times out of 10, but on that 10th time that it fails out, you can expect to be purchasing a new iPhone. Sounds great right? Indeed, this is so common that the term “ziphoned” actually has meaning (a bricked phone caused by ZiPhone). Check out the google search on the term and see the problems for yourself.

If you have used Ziphone and your phone is currently working, you do not need to do anything. Just don’t use it again. The next time could be fatal. You’ve been warned!

Personally i agree with BigBoss, i’ve read too much about people having issues when using Ziphone. If you like to jailbreak and unlock, please check my beginners guides (link on-top en the menu) and use iLiberty.

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22 Responses to “Ziphone Warning!”

  1. Abakadabra Says:

    does iLiberty works with win. ? And is that only with the newer version of ziphone, the problems? Or are they everywhere, in all the versions?

  2. Greg Says:

    This is weird. I have jailbreaked with ziphone like a thousand times, never had a problem. Don’t know if he can code or not, but the phone is working like great!
    I guess this is a bunch of rumors, clearly the guy that wrote the post never has used ziphone.

  3. kraussco Says:

    can you use iliberty to jailbreak an iPod Touch ?

  4. fred Says:

    i have unlocked about 30 iphones so far.. For myself several times, for friends, schoolmates, family… I even unlocked the iphone from my mum’s hairdresser.. I always used ziphone, and if something failed, i always could restore without further issues

  5. mdcosta911 Says:

    iLiberty+ is Mac/PC both. Ive used it, it works. Ziphone has always worked for me though, I dont know what version though.. pretty sure iLiberty could do a Touch, I think.

  6. Multinova Says:


    Iliberty can do both iPhones and iPod Touches. and it works just about perfect.
    Check the beginners guides ontop of the screen for iLiberty hacking details

  7. tysiphonehelp Says:

    I have never once had a problem with ziphone and ive jailbroke my phone over 50 times because of testing and such.

  8. magarto Says:

    @Greg: Me too, i have jailbroken thousand of times with Ziphone and i have never had any brick.

  9. boub78 Says:

    i think creators of ileberty didn’t managed to unlock the 2.0 firmware and that’s why they are trying to make a bad publicity to ziphone… :???:

  10. jan willem Says:

    Ziphone works great for me. Two iPhones and I have never had a single problem.

  11. iambored8907 Says:

    I am guessing most of the people with problems have newer iphones, and the ones (like me) who have older (first few months) iphones. Since it does not brick my iphone nor mess with the bl

  12. Learners Says:

    it works great for me…I had unlocked almost 300 iphone and nobody ever say nothing …Only thing customer I sold the phone to I get refferences….iLiberty just hating on Zibri…Zibri is been on Italian TV ,Cnet and other most popular blogs on the internet….Pwn and iLiberty just want the same and they try to give bad reveiws to the best…Zibri…..I know you guys were friends,I think pwn and iLiberty should ask for simple advice from Zibri….We still need to have the iphone 2 hacked…..

  13. Multinova Says:

    Relax guys, i used Ziphone too in the beginning, i never had any issues with it, but i have some people here on iPhoneFreakz who did have problems. These days it’s recommended to use iLiberty or WinPwn as these 2 do not have the option to break something. check google for people who had problems with ZiPhone.

  14. maury Says:

    i use iliberty and i dont have signal no you tube and some applications i cant install but went i use ziphone nothing hapen so i state whit ziphone for mi is the besth

  15. maury Says:

    and i star jail break in dis version 1.1.1 i use to many progams for mi ziphone is the best

  16. Manny Says:

    Not to start flame wars or anything, but I just want you to wait and see what happens to your precious Ziphone JB and unlocked phone with firmware 2.0. Zibri can´t think 5 minutes ahead and didn’t take precaucions for the next firmware. Zibri does it for the press and donations he didn’t code shit, you people should get your facts straight and credit those who actually wrote the little program you’re using. Oh and by the way, BigBoss is an excellent coder and hosts most of the shit you probably downloaded to your phone.

  17. Learners Says:

    I am willing to try iLiberty,I used pwn and and I had issues with play youtube internet and wi-fi icon could not appear…so I know they are googd code writer and atleast come up with solid software instead of beta and beta.What makes Ziphone popular is because he made sure before he releases that everything is according and all the bugs fix…Well All I am saying here is they should work together like they used to.I know dev team and Zibri have skills and their skills are different and I believe if they combine them into one….it will be the best hack software out there…BigBoss need to step the game up in this issue…we are customers…..and most part is we thank you guys for great work and all the web blogs out there!!

  18. Manny's mom Says:

    Manny its time for ur bath, and u should eat your cereals. Dude u fucktard ZiPhone isnt available for iphone 2.0 and i dont see any other tool that is eighter cause its not out yet, big boss stole code too, and he has the same problems with mistyping text, just look at how many recursive updates big boss prefs has. I like the fact that he hosts many of the shit we donwload but if he wants everyone to just listen to him and think everything that’s not signed by him is stolen code he can shove the whole repo up his ass and ill fucking host a 99$/year server with enough bandwith for the repo…. Thanks
    I’ll post later too

  19. Zibri Says:

    BigBoss accused ziphone only because the number 1 cause for GREY wifi is BigBoss theirselves.
    If you disable wifi with BossPrefs then use ziphone, wifi becomes unusable.
    Not because of ziphone obviously.

    But think what you wish.
    I never poited a gun at anybody.
    You are free to choose you poison.

    Personally I use ziphone myself and I never had a single problem.

  20. GEorge Says:

    im really quite scared now…

    Ive used Ziphone, no problems, but should i stop using it and move to another unlocker??

    AM I ABLE TO? and will it “stop the possiblity of a brick”

  21. Alberto Says:

    ive used ziphone hundreds of times never bricked never left permanent changes infact zibri can script any1 who says he cant is basicly hating on him >.>

  22. JuggaloLife Says:

    I Have To Say. That I’ve Used ZiPhone Also And Haven’t Had Any Problems..
    And As The Most Of The Posting Here Is I Say ZiPhone’s Creator Did A Killer Job On Doing More Then Most Of Us Could.. So If He Didn’t Do The Code Then I Have To Say Keep Up The Good Work And Do What Your Good At.. It’s Helped Us All Out… As For Firmware 2.1 I Used QuickPWN On A XP Pro O/S Works Like A Charm.. To Everyone… With Out You Guys I Wouldn’t Have A Clue Where To Even Start… Peace.

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