May 16

I promised you guys some days ago that i would make a guide on how to back your iPhone via Windows.

Well i finally had some time to prepare it for you.

Before you start this tutorial, make sure you are running firmware 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 all other versions will not work with iBackup!

1)First download the app from here.

2) Let’s install the app.

3) Now lets start the app.

If you are running vista, right click on the application and chose ‘run as administrator’ !

4) Let’s first click the ‘check for update’ button. If there’s a update available the app will download and install itself.

5) Go to your iPhone and Make sure you install BSDSUBSYSTEM and OpenSSH from your installer in the category SYSTEM.
If you have these you can proceed to the next step.

6) Activate your wireless and find out what’s your ip.

If you have SummerBoard(SMBPREFS) installed, please put the wallpaper back to it’s original one and uninstall SMBPREFS. Don’t worry your theme’s will also be backup ed so you can later reinstall Summerboard and reactivate your theme.
If you have Customize installed, please revert it to your original screen, no need to uninstall customize.

7) Go back to iBackup and click on the Begin Backup button.
and fill in your iP address. X.X.X.X
The default password alpine should be ok.
8) Connect your iPhone or iPod touch to your computer and close itunes.

Select the I agree to the terms above.

And select Yes, my app’s are symlinked if you have installed Cydia or used BossTool to move your App’s .
If you haven’t used any of the above app’s, and you haven’t symlinked your app’s, presss the NO.

9) You will receive another warning that you will need to connect your iPhone or iPod to your computer and close iTunes!

The app will begin to backup your system.

If you see some file not found error’s in the yellow screen, don’t worry this is normal.

Now wait some time untill the backup finishes. (this can take quite some time depending on !!!)

Voila you have your first backup


If you ever need to restore your iPhone these are the steps you need to take.

1) Make sure you have a jailbroken iPhone after you have restored to the original firmware. Please check my guide to unlock + jailbraik here.

2) Go to your iPhone and Make sure you install BSDSUBSYSTEM and OpenSSH from your installer in the category SYSTEM.
If you have these you can proceed to the next step.

3) If you had a system tool like Cydia installed before, reinstall it before running the backup.

4) Connect your iPhone or iPod touch to your computer and make sure that the auto-lock feature is set to never. To do this go to your settings -> General -> Auto-lock – never

5) Go you iBackup and click on the Misc Utilities button. Fill in your iP addresss and the password alpine,

click then on the Run SSH fingerprint button. (this can take some time).

6) Now you’re ready to restore your device. Select the igree to the terms above and click continue.

7) Wait untill the restore is finished and reboot your device.

8) If you have applications that require jiggy runtime that you have backed up and now restored on your ipod, they will not work. You must go into installer and uninstall jiggy runtime, then please reinstall it.

enjoy :)


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8 Responses to “iBackup the tutorial”

  1. mia Says:

    i thought you have forgotten about it.. :(

    thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D

  2. Multinova Says:

    no, i try to keep my promises, it’s just that i’m having a lot of work the last couple of days :)

  3. magarto Says:

    Thank you very much, i am restoring it, because i remove some photos by accident

  4. jayz Says:

    Thnkz , it works fine for me :)

  5. tuyen247 Says:


  6. Finn Says:

    What if I want to take a backup from a dying laptop to another pc? Can this be done?

  7. slthom Says:

    Just tried this, but it stops responding when I type a “y” to continue with the registry key. What am I doing wrong? :cry:

  8. shortbus Says:

    What about 2.1?

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