Mar 26

I’ve heared a lot of people complain that they can only sync their Playlists to their iPhone or iPod Touch.
Well there’s a simple setting in iTunes that allows you to select the numbers you want to listen to.

1) Connect your iPhone/iPod touch.
2) ? Click on your iPhone/ iPod touch?
3) Go to Summary?

4) Activate? ? ‘Manually manage music and video’s.?

5) Click applyAnd voila … ?
After you have done this, you can drag & drop all your music and video’s onto your iPhone, just like a regular iPod.

Have fun.?

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2 Responses to “Drag & Drop music/video’s on your iPhone/iPod Touch”

  1. Dizastor Says:

    I got an iPod touch, when I press manualy manage you still can’t drag and drop, Windows sees my iPod as a photocamera, I think that’s the problem

  2. Jorge Says:

    Thanks for the Help :)

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